6.3 Collecting a device request

From the View Request screen, you can launch the Collect Card workflow in MyID Desktop to collect a request for a device, or the Collect My Card feature in the MyID Self-Service App to collect a request for a device for yourself. You can also launch the MyID Client Service to collect a soft certificate request.

For more information about using MyID Desktop and Self-Service App workflows from within the MyID Operator Client, see section 3.3.2, Launching MyID Desktop or Self-Service App workflows.

To collect a device request:

  1. Search for a request, and view its details.

    See section 6.1, Searching for a request.

    You can also view a request from any form that displays a link to the request.

    For example:

    • Click the entry in the list of requests in the REQUESTS tab of the View Person form.
    • Click the entry in the list of requests in the DEVICE REQUESTS tab of the View Device form.
    • View the screen that appears automatically after you have requested a device.
  2. Click the Collect option in the button bar at the bottom of the screen.

    You may have to click the ... option to see any additional available actions.

    If this option is not available, the request cannot be collected; for example, it may require validation.

    • If the request is for another person:

      The Collect Card workflow appears in a MyID Desktop window with the request already selected.

      See the Collecting a card section in the Operator's Guide.

    • If the request is for yourself:

      The Collect My Card feature appears in a Self-Service App window with the request already selected.

      See the Self-Service App features section in the Self-Service App guide.

    • If the request is for a soft certificate:

      The Collect Soft Certificates screen appears, which allows you to download the certificates and print a transport document.

      See section 13.1, Collecting a soft certificate.